Container Gardening Ideas – White Plains NY

“The Market Garden On the Deck” is a wonderful way to increase your enjoyment of nature and edible plants. Supplement your diet with organically grown vegetables and herbs. You’ll need to provide regular watering, pruning and feeding, but in all, this container garden is simplicity and beauty at its best. Altogether this space accommodates our barbeque, a small café table, 3-4 chairs, intimate dining—all the wonderful aspects of our beautiful world at Green Jay Landscape Design.


Container Gardening Ideas – Unique features of the container garden:

  • Elevated Deck: An elevated deck above the landscape brings nature and our experience of nature closer to the home and to our kitchen.
  • Home-Grown Food: Grow food in proximity to the kitchen.
  • Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder: The new state of the art squirrel proof bird feeder. A squirrel jumping on the feeder will trigger a cut-off of the seed supply. The cardinal ring is particularly inviting to cardinals. Finches love it.
  • Distinctiveness: The various shapes and sizes of the containers make this garden distinct.
  • Compact: It doesn’t take up much room. The space is designed for 2 people to occasionally entertain.
  • Tower Garden: A tower garden hydroponically grows vegetables and herbs in rock wool from seeds or live plants.
  • Vertical Garden: There’s a vertical garden. The cells enable us to grow basil, herbs, vegetables, annuals, perennials, parsley, red lettuce, petunias, sweet potato vine, black-eyed susan vine, whatever the light allows.
  • Shady “Chi” Corner: We have a shady corner planted with wax begonia, containing a little fountain that attracts birds and encourages positive Chi in the garden area.

Container Gardening Ideas – Some of the perennials and annuals in the garden:

  • Citronellas repel mosquitoes.
  • The red fountain grass is a wonderful addition to our landscape. The blowing wind adds motion and interest.
  • Flowering hibiscus and Siberian Napata add fragrance and repel biting insects while attracting beneficial insects.
  • Myer Lemon produces fruit (needs to be taken inside during cold weather).
  • Bougainvillea creates a wonderful fragrance along with the combination of plants.

    Container Gardening Ideas – Top 7

    1. Know Your Plant Characteristics: Study each plant’s growth habits, needs for light, water, fertilizer, drainage, pruning, susceptibility to pests and disease. Consider the time investment each will require before you begin populating your garden.
    2. Use Complimentary Colors: Select a color scheme that compliments the surroundings including the other plants and even the colors of your home.
    3. Select Appropriate Plants for the Lighting: Assess the natural lighting and select plants accordingly. Is the area shaded? Is it in full sunlight?
    4. Consider Plant Height: Arrange the plants according to height and size. Before you begin, create a plan that includes plants of various sizes.
    5. Seek Complimentary Diversity: Consider the shape of the plant, its leaves and blooms. You’re creating an overall art piece as you carefully place each plant.
    6. Select Appropriate Containers: You can add elegance to a plain looking plant by placing it in an artistic container. You can show off an elaborate, colorful exotic plant by placing it in a simpler looking container.
    7. Properly Space Your Plants: Overcrowding leads to spindly, weak plants. One plant per container is a good basic rule. It not only allows room for the plant’s healthy growth, but showcases that particular plant. Space the containers so that air can circulate between the plants. You don’t want the plants growing into each other.

    Container Gardening Ideas – Final Tip


    We’ll design the perfect fit, maximizing your overall landscape design, the look of your home in light of the time investment you want to put into maintaining the beauty of your container garden.

    Jay Archer, President
